- Introduction
- Early United States Government Interest in Native American Health
- United States 19th-Century Doctors' Thoughts about Native American Medicine
- Indian School Hospitals Under the Office of Indian Affairs (c.1883-c.1916)
- Reservation and Hospital Health Care Under the Office of Indian Affairs (c.1890-1925)
- The Meriam Commission and Health Care Reform (1926-1945)
- Transfer to Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (1946-1969)
- Indian Health Service Today
- Carlos Montezuma (1865-1923) Native American M.D., Author
- Charles Alexander Eastman (1858-1939) Native American M.D., Author
- Susan La Flesche Picotte (1865-1915) First Native American Woman M.D.
- Credits
Last Reviewed: May 2, 2012