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National Library of Medicine Technical BulletinNational Library of Medicine Technical Bulletin

Table of Contents: 2023 JULY–AUGUST No. 453

PubMed Update: "Sort by" Moved Out of Display Options for Quick Access

PubMed Update: "Sort by" Moved Out of Display Options for Quick Access. NLM Tech Bull. 2023 Jul-Aug;(453):e1.

2023 July 26 [posted]

The "Sort by" drop-down menu used to change the sort order of PubMed search results has been moved out of the "Display options" button and now appears as a standalone feature at the top of the search results page, making it easier and faster to change the sort order of your search results. This update only changes the location of the “Sort by” drop-down menu (Figure 1); all sort options and functionality remain the same.

When changing the sort order, your new selection will continue to apply to subsequent searches until your browser cookies are cleared or you select a different sort order. To learn more about sorting search results in PubMed, please see the PubMed User Guide: Sorting your results.


Figure 1. The “Sort by” menu is now available as a standalone feature at the top of the PubMed search results page.
NLM Technical Bulletin National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health