Table of Contents: 2013 SEPTEMBER–OCTOBER No. 394
Upcoming New Interface for TOXNET. NLM Tech Bull. 2013 Sep-Oct;(394):b3.
An updated version of TOXNET (TOXicology Data NETwork) will be released in 2014.
The new design will offer seamless navigation for non-professionals as well as professionals. The update will include a more current look and feel, improved interactive capabilities and a better integrated "All Search Results."
TOXNET is a group of databases covering toxicology, hazardous chemicals, environmental health and related areas. The Web interface provides an easy way to search databases of varying formats and content. It can be used to locate toxicology data, literature references, and toxics release information on particular chemicals, as well as to identify chemicals that cause specific effects.
TOXNET was originally designed and developed prior to the Internet, primarily for a professional audience. It has become increasingly important for its data to be accessible for a wide variety of users, many of whom are not professionals in the toxicological fields, and who are not familiar with the related vocabulary and acronyms.