New and Updated Sources (Expanded Representation Information) - 2024AB Release
What's New for 2024AB
General Information:
For 2024AB, there are 2 new translation sources (MDRHRV27_0 and MDRLIT27_0) and 75 updated sources (including translation sources and subsources).
MDRHRV is the Croatian Edition of the Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities Terminology (MedDRA).
MDRLIT is the Lithuanian Edition of the Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities Terminology (MedDRA).
For detailed information about sources that are new or have had changes made (e.g., new term types, new attribute names, etc.):
1. New abbreviations(s) | Expansion:
PT+CT perf|PT+CT.perfusion
2. New class(es) | Description
PANEL.SURVEY.NICHQ|ADHD Questionnaire panels
PANEL.SURVEY.RSS|Ramsay Sedation Scale panel
SURVEY.RSS|Ramsay Sedation Scale
3. New termtype(s) (TTY) | Description | Suppressible
ODN|Obsolete Display Name|O
1. New termtype(s) (TTY) | Description
HG|High Level Group Term
HT|Hierarchical term
LLT|Lower Level Term
OL|Non-current Lower Level Term
OS|System-organ class
PT|Designated preferred name
SMQ|Standardised MedDRA Query
2. New relationship | relationship attribute (RELA) | RELA inverse:
3. New attribute name (ATN) | Description:
MISO|MedDRA Serial Code International SOC Sort Order Digit (01-26)
MPS|MedDRA primary SOC (PTs may have multiple treepositions, but each has a primary soc)
SMQ_ALGO|Standardised MedDRA Query (SMQ) Algorithm. Boolean expression of algorithm for the SMQ. "N" if the SMQ does not utilize an algorithm.
SMQ_LEVEL|Standardised MedDRA Query (SMQ) Level. Value between 1 and 5 identifying the level of the SMQ within the hierarchy of SMQs; 1 is the most general, 5 is the most narrow.
SMQ_SOURCE|Standardised MedDRA Query (SMQ) Source. Source for the development of the SMQ, e.g. medical references.
SMQ_STATUS|Standardised MedDRA Query (SMQ) Status. "A" = active; "I" = inactive.
SMQ_TERM_ADDVERSION|Standardised MedDRA Query (SMQ) Addition Version. Version of MedDRA in which term was added to the SMQ.
SMQ_TERM_CAT|Standardised MedDRA Query (SMQ) Term Category. A single alphabetical letter indicating the category of the term for application of the SMQ algorithm. If the SMQ does not use algorithms, then all Term_category values are assigned "A." For a child SMQ, this field is assigned "S."
SMQ_TERM_LEVEL|Standardised MedDRA Query (SMQ) Level. Value between 1 and 5 identifying the level of the SMQ within the hierarchy of SMQs; 1 is the most general, 5 is the most narrow.
SMQ_TERM_LMVERSION|Standardised MedDRA Query (SMQ) Last Modified Version. Version of MedDRA in which term was last modified in the SMQ.
SMQ_TERM_SCOPE|expanded_form|Standardised MedDRA Query (SMQ) Term Scope. Defines the MedDRA term as a member of the broad scope (1), narrow scope (2) of the SMQ search, or a child SMQ (0) (zero).
SMQ_TERM_STATUS|Standardised MedDRA Query (SMQ) Term Status. Identifies a term as active ("A") or inactive ("I") within this SMQ.
SMQ_TERM_WEIGHT|Standardised MedDRA Query (SMQ) Term Weight. Used for some SMQ algorithms; "0" is used as default.
SOS|Scope Statement
New translation source.
1. New termtype(s) (TTY) | Description
HG|High Level Group Term
HT|Hierarchical term
LLT|Lower Level Term
OL|Non-current Lower Level Term
OS|System-organ class
PT|Designated preferred name
SMQ|Standardised MedDRA Query
2. New relationship | relationship attribute (RELA) | RELA inverse:
3. New attribute name (ATN) | Description:
MISO|MedDRA Serial Code International SOC Sort Order Digit (01-26)
MPS|MedDRA primary SOC (PTs may have multiple treepositions, but each has a primary soc)
SMQ_ALGO|Standardised MedDRA Query (SMQ) Algorithm. Boolean expression of algorithm for the SMQ. "N" if the SMQ does not utilize an algorithm.
SMQ_LEVEL|Standardised MedDRA Query (SMQ) Level. Value between 1 and 5 identifying the level of the SMQ within the hierarchy of SMQs; 1 is the most general, 5 is the most narrow.
SMQ_SOURCE|Standardised MedDRA Query (SMQ) Source. Source for the development of the SMQ, e.g. medical references.
SMQ_STATUS|Standardised MedDRA Query (SMQ) Status. "A" = active; "I" = inactive.
SMQ_TERM_ADDVERSION|Standardised MedDRA Query (SMQ) Addition Version. Version of MedDRA in which term was added to the SMQ.
SMQ_TERM_CAT|Standardised MedDRA Query (SMQ) Term Category. A single alphabetical letter indicating the category of the term for application of the SMQ algorithm. If the SMQ does not use algorithms, then all Term_category values are assigned "A." For a child SMQ, this field is assigned "S."
SMQ_TERM_LEVEL|Standardised MedDRA Query (SMQ) Level. Value between 1 and 5 identifying the level of the SMQ within the hierarchy of SMQs; 1 is the most general, 5 is the most narrow.
SMQ_TERM_LMVERSION|Standardised MedDRA Query (SMQ) Last Modified Version. Version of MedDRA in which term was last modified in the SMQ.
SMQ_TERM_SCOPE|expanded_form|Standardised MedDRA Query (SMQ) Term Scope. Defines the MedDRA term as a member of the broad scope (1), narrow scope (2) of the SMQ search, or a child SMQ (0) (zero).
SMQ_TERM_STATUS|Standardised MedDRA Query (SMQ) Term Status. Identifies a term as active ("A") or inactive ("I") within this SMQ.
SMQ_TERM_WEIGHT|Standardised MedDRA Query (SMQ) Term Weight. Used for some SMQ algorithms; "0" is used as default.
SOS|Scope Statement
New translation source.
VSAB: MSH2025_2024_08_19
1. Dropped termtype(s) (TTY) | Description
DSV|Descriptor sort version
QSV|Qualifier sort version
2. Dropped relationship | relationship attribute (RELA) | RELA inverse:
The "<SortVersion>" tag has been removed from the xml file.
This version includes:
RXNORM_20AA_240903F (Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification System)
ATC_2024_01_19_24_09_03 (Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification System)
CVX_2024_08_14 (Vaccines Administered)
DRUGBANK5.0_2024_08_09 (DrugBank)
GS_2024_08_12 (Gold Standard Drug Database)
MMSL_2024_08_01 (Multum MediSource Lexicon)
MMX_2024_08_05 (Micromedex RED BOOK)
MTHCMSFRF_2020_24_09_03 (Metathesaurus CMS Formulary Reference File)
MTHSPL_2024_08_24 (Metathesaurus FDA Structured Product Labels)
NDDF_2024_08_14 (FDB MedKnowledge)
USP_2024_07_10_24_09_03 (USP Compendial Nomenclature)
VANDF_2024_07_31 (Veterans Health Administration National Drug File)
New relationship | relationship attribute (RELA) | RELA inverse:
Last Reviewed: October 31, 2024