Education Online Activities
Communities & Health Care
Everyone needs access to health care. This fundamental need has mobilized ordinary citizens to take extraordinary actions. Workers and community residents organized health collectives and clinics to secure their access to health care. Explore these photographs and learn about several health centers and cooperatives, created by and for the people, during the last century.
A nurse from the Henry Street Settlement with a parent education class known as a “mother’s club,” New York, 1930s
Families at Sabine Farms, a New Deal resettlement community for displaced tenant farmers near Marshall, TX, pooled their resources to employ a physician, Dr. Lee, 1939.
A nurse at the Union Health Center draws blood from a patient, New York, 1943.
Nurse Elise Cook and Dr. William MacColl show off the first babies born at Group Health Cooperative in Seattle, WA, 1947.
Nurses meeting at the Delta Health Center, a community-controlled clinic in Mound Bayou, MS, 1968.
Patients in the waiting room of the National Farm Workers Service Center’s health clinic, decorated with posters of union leader Cesar Chavez and revolutionary leader Emiliano Zapata, Calexico, CA, 1973.
Betty Szudy, Dido Hasper, Wendi Jones, Judy Rutherford and Janice Turrini (left to right) were among several women who helped launch the Chico Feminist Women’s Health Center in California, 1975.