U.S. National Institutes of Health

Exhibition Collection


Graphic medicine shows the creator’s experiences of illness and health through a medium that is approachable and relatable. Artists and authors have drawn and written about cancer, HIV/AIDS, Alzheimer’s Disease, sexual assault, and more.

Explore this Exhibition Collection of graphic medicine works that are part of the resources of the National Library of Medicine.

A drawing of a White man in a chair
Drawing of a ghost billowing from an African American woman’s mouth
Drawing of an African American woman talking with a white female doctor
Drawing of an African American woman looking at a laptop while three other African American women appear below
Drawing of people sitting in chairs being tended to by health workers
Drawing of a Hispanic family of one man and two women receiving medical treatment
A drawing of a stethoscope and White man
A drawing of three surgeons performing surgery and conversing with a robot
A drawing of a group of people surrounding a conversation bubble containing words
A drawing of a pill box and two people
A drawing of White woman
Drawing of three White women on a sofa
Drawing of a White woman waving
A White woman and a White man in a polaroid
Text over the outline of a woman’s face
A portrait of a woman and three children
Drawing of a White man standing on a bathroom scale
Drawing of a White woman
Drawing of a White girl and a dog
Drawing of a woman in a forest
Drawing of an adult and a child sitting on a bench
Drawing of a White woman holding a hammer in a position ready to strike, and a female doctor holds a piece of paper
Drawing of two people kneeling on the snow-covered ground in the front yard of a house
Drawing of a person’s head from the nose to the forehead
Drawing of a foot and lower leg
A face obscured
Drawing of a White boy leaning against a door
Drawing of two white people
Drawing of a white man peering out of a window while sitting in a chair
Drawing of a person in a hospital bed