Exclusion Procedure for Control of Cummunicable Diseases
Disease - Chickenpox
Exclusion Period of Patient - For 7 days until all primary scabs have disappeared.
Exclusion Period of Contacts - All children over 15 years until disease as been verified by a registered physician. All others may return to school.
Disease - Diphtheria
Exclusion Period of Patient - 8 days followed by 2 consecutive negative cultures from nose and throat.
Exclusion Period of Contacts - 8 days plus one negative culture by City or County Health Department.
Disease - German Measles
Exclusion Period of Patient - Patient only until clinical recovery-
Exclusion Period of Contacts - None.
Disease - Influenza Pneumonia
Exclusion Period of Patient - Until clinical recovery.
Exclusion Period of Contacts - None.
Disease - Measles
Exclusion Period of Patient - 7 days after appearance of rash and until all abnormal discharges and cough have disappeared.
Exclusion Period of Contacts - If medical inspection is available and non-immune children can be inspected daily before entering classroom, they may remain in school. Immune children may remain in school-
Disease - Meningococcic Infections
Exclusion Period of Patient - Until end of febrile period and until all acute symptoms have subsided.
Exclusion Period of Contacts - Quarantine not required. If patient remains in home, school children shall be excluded from school and confined to the premises for the duration of the illness.
Disease - Mumps
Exclusion Period of Patient - Patient only, and until swelling of glands has disappeared.
Exclusion Period of Contacts - None.
Disease - Pediculosis
Exclusion Period of Patient - Until free from lice and nits.
Exclusion Period of Contacts - None.
Disease - Poliomyelitis
Exclusion Period of Patient - 14 days.
Exclusion Period of Contacts - 14 days.
Disease - Respiratory Hemolytic Steptococcal Infections 1. Scarlet Fever 2. Other
Exclusion Period of Patient - Duration of illness not less than 7 days and until clinical recovery.
Exclusion Period of Contacts - Quarantine not required. (School teachers and cafeteria workers shall be referred to the Health Services Branch for permission to work.)
Disease - Smallpox
Exclusion Period of Patient - Until scabs have disappeared.
Exclusion Period of Contacts - Until immunity has been established.
Disease - Tuberculosis
Exclusion Period of Patient - Patient until clinical recovery.
Exclusion Period of Contacts - None.
Disease - Typhoid Fever
Exclusion Period of Patient - Until recovery-
Exclusion Period of Contacts - Children in household are excluded from school until isolation of patient is satisfactory to the health officer.
Disease - Whooping Cough
Exclusion Period of Patient - 21 days and until recovery.
Exclusion Period of Contacts - If medical inspection is available and non-immune children can be inspected daily before entering classroom, they may remain in school. Immune children may remain in school.
Disease - Erysipelas-Impetigo-Pink-Eye-Ringworm-Scabies-Trachoma
Exclusion Period of Patient - The one affected until recovery.
Exclusion Period of Contacts - None.
Disease - Gonococcus Infection Syphilis
Exclusion Period of Patient - The one affected until rendered non-infectious.
Exclusion Period of Contacts - None.