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Gallery: Communicable Disease

抵抗力強的人, 受了結核菌的傳染, 發病的可能性小... (People with strong immune systems will not get sick often), 1953

抵抗力強的人, 受了結核菌的傳染, 發病的可能性小... (People with strong immune systems will not get sick often), Shanghai Anti-Tuberculosis Association, 1953

In 1953, the Shanghai Anti-Tuberculosis Association produced a large series of anti-TB posters. This poster encourages keeping your immune system strong. The scenes shown include exercise, good hygiene habits, maintaining healthy weight, and getting a BCG vaccine. The text below explains that healthy people are less likely to get TB, while weak people are more likely to get sick. Therefore, it is important to build up one's resistance, while also being careful to avoid exposure.

About the Book

Poster with a cityscape featuring Tiananmen, a farm, factories, and a Chinese flag on each side of a red star in the sky, text in the middle.

In 1953 the Shanghai Anti-Tuberculosis Association produced a large series of anti-TB posters that sought to educate the public on the causes, symptoms, treatments, and methods of preventing the spread of TB.

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