SPECIALIST Lexicon and Lexical Tools
The SPECIALIST Lexicon is an English lexicon containing many words from the biomedical domain. Words are selected for lexical coding from a variety of sources including MEDLINE abstracts, Dorland's Illustrated Medical Dictionary and the general English vocabulary. The majority of the words are nouns.
The lexicon consists of a set of lexical entries. Each entry represents a word (lexical item). The entry covers one or more spellings in a particular part of speech and describes the morphologic, orthographic and syntactic properties of a word.
The Lexical Tools are a collection of java programs that process natural language words and terms. The lexical tools include a normalizer, a word index generator, and a lexical variant generator. Together The SPECIALIST Lexicon and The Lexical Tools allow users to develop Natural Language Processing programs.
Last Reviewed: July 29, 2016