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Gallery: Hygiene and Sanitation

隨地吐痰不僅傳染結核病, 還可以傳染其他急性傳染病 (Pay attention to hygiene and increase productivity. Vaccinate children with BCG to protect them from TB), 1953

隨地吐痰不僅傳染結核病, 還可以傳染其他急性傳染病 (Pay attention to hygiene and increase productivity. Vaccinate children with BCG to protect them from TB), Shanghai Anti-Tuberculosis Association, 1953

About the Book

Poster with a cityscape featuring Tiananmen, a farm, factories, and a Chinese flag on each side of a red star in the sky, text in the middle.

In 1953 the Shanghai Anti-Tuberculosis Association produced a large series of anti-TB posters that sought to educate the public on the causes, symptoms, treatments, and methods of preventing the spread of TB.

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